Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ticks on Cats

Ticks are small parasites sucking the blood that could easily hang / freeze for the coat of your pet during his morning walk or evening. These parasites stick to the skin of the host (your cat), and could suck blood until they get engorged and drop the skin. A check mark mammoth could be the same size of a pea or a bean. Occasionally, ticks can act as carriers of various diseases, such as 'Lyme disease'. In some cases, ticks also lead to allergic reactions in your pet and give rise to serious fractures and ulcers on the skin. Mentioned below are some steps that will help in the prevention of ticks on your pet cat.

How to Prevent Ticks on Cats To prevent various diseases associated with ticks is extremely important that the removal of these critters just place, and inhibit their further multiplication. Read here some preventive measures

Although cats are very meticulous when it comes to grooming, you should still keep a check on the hygiene of your pet cats.

A real bath to give your feline companion with a medicated soap or a shampoo every ten days.
Particular, powders and sprays are also available to help prevent ticks. Consult your veterinarian.
Tie a collar flea / tick collar for pets to prevent the attachment of new ticks and to promote detachment of ticks already present in the body.
Treat all indoor cracks, crevices and corners of your home with insecticides or other sprays.

Keep the environment clean. Do not let debris accumulate near the house and cut long grass and bushes in your garden.

Wearing a pair of latex gloves and feel the coat of your pet when he returns from his explorations outside.

If you place a check mark, remove immediately to prevent any kind of disease transmission. With a pair of tweezers or other tick-removing device, grasp the tick near its head and pull out of her skin. In the case of high infestation, consult your veterinarian. He can suggest the best medicine for your pet, taking into account various risk factors (such as geographical location, lifestyle and potential for exposure) animals

Friday, October 1, 2010

stress for cats.

Cats have to meet very specific needs to feel at ease. They love the privacy they need free access to food, resting places, delete, etc. ...
They also need to avoid situations of potential stress.

The modern lifestyle often does not fully meet their needs: the cats have to live in houses or apartments, often without being able to go freely outside. They have full access to their needs, and in many cases are sharing their space with people, cats or other pets.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dogs Naturally

Domestic dogs are pack animals as their ancestor the wolf. Wolves communicate in the pack to be able to coordinate attacks on prey when hunting and to increase their offspring. Today the same instincts can be observed in domestic dogs, though it now includes the stamanul pack human. Dogs use different body parts and send messages to one another, learned the language Zand complex since the puppy stage.
Language evolution

Dogs and wolves share a language involves using complex postures, ears and tails. While some elements of this language is instinctive, some are learned from the mother and other siblings still in the puppy stage.

Battle simulation is particularly important because this allows puppies to learn the specific rules of etiquette canine in a peaceful environment.

Although domestic dogs is like still in many respects with wolves, the importance of various aspects of the language has changed as a result of interaction with people. Skills developed in nature are not needed in domestic environment, similarly, certain characteristics of the dogs were encouraged by their human owners, for example bark hazard warning. However, the essential means communicare between dogs or between mother and its offspring, or between two adult dogs to meet for the first time, are the body language, a communication transmitted from generation to generation almost unchanged.
Communication by smell

As descendants of a predator that lived in packs, dogs rely heavily on the sense of smell. In the wild, it allowed other group members to recognize and react immediately when they came up during any hunting games. For domestic dogs, this form of communication stands out especially by marking with urine, but dog's sense of smell plays an essential role in dealing with other dogs even when his nose begins to seek the mother's nipple.

Monday, September 20, 2010

how will talk dogs

Usually dogs will fit well in a family environment because they are gregarious animals in nature. Will try to communicate in a similar range of modes and non-voice vocare just like doing it with other dogs and if you can read these signs, then you can quite easily available to evaluate your dog.
Start a conversation

Some ways in which dogs talk to each other are not easily understood by the masters: humans have not developed the same sense of smell of dogs, for example. Often people expect the barking to be the most important form of communication, reflecting human speech but actually understanding body language is the easiest way to understand what dogs are trying to tell you.

For the most part, dogs communicate with people as it would other dogs. However, some of the dog instinctive behaviors can be misunderstood by owner, who may believe that it bears bad. For example, an older dog can resume the practice of marking territory in the house because of anxiety that one feels as a result of separation from owner. Also, interacting with people subtly altered the natural communication of dog. Some of the positions they adopt a dog, for example sitting position, are natural
, While others, especially when begging, not normally observable in its wild relatives. They have evolved from common position, your dog quickly learn that such behavioral changes can bring them praise and rewards from the owner.
Mixed Messages

Dogs are instinctively familiar with social and will quickly integrate into the family routine. Because the dog wants to be part of the group will seek to be understood by communicating with members of the human pack.

However, some of the signals it uses can be confusing for a dog known: the dog should not be disturbed when sleeping, but can stretch patiently waiting for attention from the owner. In this case, the dog position, especially footing, will attract attention whether owner is ready to play or do not wish to be disturbed. Some positions may be apparent to master: for example, a dog is a dog wags his tail happily. But if so fast queue, and if it is put forth and in a vertical position, could indicate aggression. This combination, rather than individual gestures available featuring a dog.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What do birds eat?

What do birds eat? Here we have come to my favorite topic: I am a big greedy so I try to please my birds.

The staple food is millet parrot. It is sold in all the birds of the store. Should always be enough millet into the bird cage, the birds know how to eat. Oats Oats also enjoy a lot, but only (unpeeled, absolutely natural) which I have seen anywhere in the shops: It turns out that as an addition in combined foods. As a compromise variant of oat kernels can be given.

They also enjoy sunflower seeds, but not cooked, of course, sunflower seeds Anna as the only bird several times a month, because it contains a lot of fat and stout bird. Before giving the bird is good, just crashes (ie, consume it easily).

They love fresh vegetables! They die on cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, peppers and pepper seeds (they should not be hot!). They also eat cabbage. Be careful with nitrates! They are particularly harmful to birds because they can kill them if possible, is to avoid buying foods that are grown in green - houses.

Other green food is generally much they love the fresh and tender grass I mean ryegrass, clover especially sofa -.! He likes the grass or something, but the grass thing that should never give the parsley, t do not know why, but it is well written in the books and I experienced what happens to them if I feed birds with parsley.

Give them fresh fruit at every opportunity to apples (they like, because the nuclei of seeds), pears, plums, and squash. I have not noticed, such as citrus.

All fruit and vegetables should be washed.

Dales hard - boiled egg (one egg room for two birds) at least once a month. Since they feed themselves with protein and vitamin D.

Do not throw away the peel! Take a chopped finely. It provides them with calcium.

Another source of calcium is gypsum. Birds that gnawing with hunger, so always make sure to give the plaster in the cage.

Birds like to eat bread. No matter what type it is. Put a wet piece of bread through the bars and that will take care of what your want to come back to you.

You should always have the sand in the cage of birds (that's why I said earlier that you should buy two vessels for the food.) They need sand to digest food easier. Food does not go directly to the stomach of birds. Prior to remain for some time in the throat. Not because of all food enzymes and sand grain taken are broken in pieces, and digested preliminary softening. The sand is fine, that's why we must examine and remove the coarse fractions, because it can block the throat of 'bird s. E 'obligatory to wash the sand, boil for a qualifying time in hot water to dry and then only to the birds. sea sand - is very appropriate, but should be well - flushing of salt! The salt is not very useful for birds.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Six Things You Should Do Before You Bring A Pet Home

Buying a pet is not like buying groceries at the supermarket. You have to plan the introduction of a new unit of life in you and your family. Some animals are easier to maintain, while others can be a handful. While your child has been complaining for the last two weeks for a pet, do your research before you run out to buy the animal or leave it in place. Before you make that move, below are seven things you should keep in mind, or have in place before the animal comes to his new home.
- Have a vet in mind
- to get food, shelter and toys
- read a book Guide About your new pet
- Consider a tag or microchip
- Pet Proof Your Home
- delegate the responsibility of caring for animals company

1.Have a vet in mind

This is one of the first steps to take especially if you go to a puppy. A vet should be the first order of the appeal. Ideally, the animal must have been in charge of making rational people got it, just make sure you have the job role. However, take the animal to a veterinarian for examination before going home. If you do not know of any Vets asking for references from people you know who have a similar pet store or call your pet. Other places to look are the Internet or the Yellow Pages get food, shelter and toys

Always plan ahead when it comes to housing and feeding. Make sure you have a variety of pet foods, especially your pet at home before he returns home. toys for pets are ready and also the cage, if it's a pet, which normally live in a cage. cat litter, make sure there is a bed and sleeping dogs, especially dog should not be used. a book Guide About your new pet

Read a guide to the animal that you are getting before you invest time and money. Know something about animal behavior, what they eat, what it is. His tastes and eating habits, frequency of drinking water and about you should have around them. The idea is to know something about your pet, and know more than they deal with it.

4.Consider a tag or microchip

Consider purchasing a necklace, a plate or a microchip inserted in your pet. Thus, if your pet is lost and has a chip, could easily be found through GPS, or if you have a plaque with your name and phone number to call, people coming through it can easily enter into contact with yourself.

5.Pet Proof Your Home

Pet proof your house or apartment, before the animal goes home. This is especially important for pets like dogs, who will share your room with you. Puppies are especially curious and like to play with what is in view. Tape lines or were out of sight. Your puppy is chewing through them for fun. Make sure that toilets are covered sitting and they will drink and lick your face later. Release of potentially dangerous things or lock them up, such as cleaning chemicals, pieces of furniture with sharp edges. Make sure your home is safe for animals.

6.delegate the responsibility of caring for animals company

Take care of your pets are a lot of work. If your children asked questions about pets, they must be prepared to take care of her. I bet before the PET came, they promised to make all pets and dog walking for miles on end. Enthusiasm is removable according to the company no longer new and interesting. Thus, the plan before hand, like adults Make sure you have the time to intervene when children do not fulfill their promise. Pets can not be ignored, because the junior has forgotten to take his or her power walk.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Together with pet dog Hollywood celebrities and pets

Dogs are often identified as a human friend. Even pre-historic discoveries prove that Homo erectus is also a dog. Besides can be trained, dogs are also very loyal. So no one if the many Hollywood stars choose ajing as a pet. Obviously, if there is a stalker or a crazy fan of his loyal friends will be ready to defend. Let's look at celebrities and their pet dog.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Your Cat's First Vet Visit

So you have a new cat, and she needs a medical examination. When your veterinarian first visit, your vet will take the lead and give you some basic information, and will probably go through a fairly standard routine.

Over 90% of the information you need, however, will be based on the questions you ask your veterinarian. Somewhere, usually towards the end of the test, the veterinarian will ask if you have any questions.

Usually by this time, the adrenaline was pumping, and you have been overloaded. Your cat is stressed and have ... you're both ready to go. Do not let this opportunity pass you.

Take this time to lead by example, and ask questions. What questions? Well, if you forget this is not already written. Yes, I am writing today.

Most of the information is released today in the diet of cat care and cat health, or fear in general is fed (diet based on meat, for example, first, fear of vaccination), or profit-based (advertising). It is therefore important to get your vet to take some of these problems.

Here is a list of problems that you can use to formulate your questions. This is not all inclusive, and probably some specific rules of their own.

The important thing is that this will spark a dialogue between you and your vet will allow both to better care for your cat.

Here are some topics to create your applications around ...

vaccination options: options exist for the type and schedule, and there are risks, so be sure to find out what your vet recommends for your cat.

Food and nutrition: questions on trademarks cat food because they are not all equal. What about alternatives, like homemade food for cats, raw meat diets, food and leftovers?

Common mistakes cat owner, ask your veterinarian to avoid common mistakes.

Emergency procedures: find out what your monitor is emergency procedures now, if you need it later.

Inside or outside: it is a great argument strongly influences your life and the life of your cat.

litter and litter boxes: many choices can be reduced only to a few, ask your veterinarian.

common diseases and signs, to understand what are the signs of the disease are common to help you identify problems early in your cat, and can save your life one day.

Use the list above to begin. As you write your questions, others will come to you. Write, even if the answers seem obvious. There is no question too small to ask your veterinarian about the health of your cat.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Many people have pets, and most of these people bow down to their pets. But what happens when you want to go this weekend, leave your pets at home? This can be done, it's time release food containers and other similar, which may help efforts. Then there is also suitable for Kitty litter, which takes care of the mess and odor problem without fuss. Or a dog, you can always have a dog flap installed, especially if you have a fenced garden.

Of course, this approach also works for cats, although fenced garden can be a deterrent, because cats are notoriously independent and wants to wander the streets. If you do not use this option so you can always take your cat with you or leave a shortage of friends or even a refuge for several days.

If you have birds, so it is not a problem, leaving pets at home, they will be perfectly acceptable as long as you supplement their food and water. If it is greater than one day or two, you might consider releasing them in a ventilated space from which they can not escape. This will allow them to stretch their wings and will be a great benefit to their state of mind.

Most animals are very sensitive and react negatively if you leave your pet at home for too long. They may even get sick due to various conditions that exist when you are not home to monitor their needs. There are other ways to handle this and if you know you will be away a short time, then you can always ask a friend or neighbor to come and learn about pets at home.

If you are going for more than a week, but really should not leave the pets at home because this can only lead to disaster. Not only to be destroyed by its return, your pet is longing for you, yes, even the cat, and be gone all foods in a hurry and have not had anything to eat his shoes in recent days.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pets Dogs

Dogs are unique animals because they are a part of your family immediately. If you had your dog for a long time, there is no question this is true.

Dogs usually have the same social systems in the human world. They survive with the guidance of an adult male is the alpha or dominant over all others in the pack. As the market leader limits, it is a strong and competent woman will step in.

Just as your family works together as a group, so the package. There are social ties and loyalty to both sides. Even if the family or a group of dogs fighting, it does not matter, they are always united and together when it come to the crunch.

Dogs have many strengths. They are incredibly attentive, a strong sense of smell and superior to many who are hunters. Their ability to survive on something so small as to have leftovers makes them ideal if you relate the ancient or modern times.

From ancient times to today

These animal and human relationship is so strong that it goes back into prehistory.

Imagine a prehistoric hunter in search of a lost wolf in the forest and take the animal home care. Perhaps they have found that the young animal fit in very well at home. To top it off they found the wolf, the hunter was not practical probably makes sense.

Of course, the wolf pack that primitive man would have found it not as soft and loving as dogs, now we keep in our homes. Wolves had only the rough shape of the personality that suited the prehistoric people, like dogs, our families take today. It is our own domestication of dogs, that makes them more and more for living family lifestyle.

The mixing of the dog and human culture is very strong. No matter what type of dog you have, or is it just a companion or a working dog, it's a friend who stick with you for life.

You should not use the dog as your primary means of survival, as some groups, years ago, but it is likely that your dog has his own role. Some assume the roles dogs today are:

· Herding Stock Farm
· Detection of drug use
• The assistance of blind
· Monitoring houses and shops
· Rescue Services

Apart from these specific roles your dog can develop an emotional bond with you and other members of your family. This ability and the desire to bond with the lifestyle and the individual has given them a special place and role in the hearts of many people. Most dogs love people and are naturally very protective of children. Through domestication, they really deserve the right to the name "man's best friend."

Whether you are ready to have a good time or a little more comfort, your dog will offer true "unconditional love" is required.

It is important to maintain and care for your dog, so they can thrive. As long as they have the power they need and the attention they deserve, you can get with a friend for life to count.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Tips For Buying the Right Pet Food Containers

If you currently maintain your pet food in the bags they are, leaving only open to the elements, you might want to dan te overwegen alternatives. Blanks, pet food spoils quickly and can also attract insects like ants. You would give your pet is stale, and certainly loses all its goodness that you paid for each day.

For less than $ 25 you will find a variety of PET plastic containers for food storage that will keep your food sealed and fresh. With a little 'maintenance and cleaning of the latter could easily turn your life so pets are worth the investment. If I believe, here are some tips on what to watch out for the purchase of:


The point of storage to keep pet food fresh as a hermetic seal is a must. These are not just about plastic containers, but also the most imaginative range of stainless steel. Some even have a double seal for extra protection.


Buy the right size container for your pets needs. Not a good buy for a container that is too small, so you do not empty the whole bag into. Also you do not feel like a container that is so big, when the entire Will it keep your pet under way with six months worth of food, even if Properly stored as food deteriorates buy again. So, note the size of the bag would normally buy and take into account the amount of food your pet eats every week and buy accordingly.

Current Location

Think about where you are going to the container store to buy a proper shape and size. If it's in a box, the option that suits your fancy? If you want a winning look will be on display? Is close to where the board and feed your pet? Otherwise, everything on wheels is recommended.

Ideally, you want to pet food store in a cool, dark conditions for the organization to consider the house currently being revised.

If you have limited space, you can also find wall containers of up to 40 pounds of pet food. Make sure the walls are strong enough and well mounted if you choose this option now.


There are several features that can be found with many different options on the PET market for food - which may be beneficial for u sommige and of which some are not. Consider your needs before paying extra for the fancy features. These possibilities are the wheels, pedals and stacking.