Over 90% of the information you need, however, will be based on the questions you ask your veterinarian. Somewhere, usually towards the end of the test, the veterinarian will ask if you have any questions.
Usually by this time, the adrenaline was pumping, and you have been overloaded. Your cat is stressed and have ... you're both ready to go. Do not let this opportunity pass you.
Take this time to lead by example, and ask questions. What questions? Well, if you forget this is not already written. Yes, I am writing today.
Most of the information is released today in the diet of cat care and cat health, or fear in general is fed (diet based on meat, for example, first, fear of vaccination), or profit-based (advertising). It is therefore important to get your vet to take some of these problems.
Here is a list of problems that you can use to formulate your questions. This is not all inclusive, and probably some specific rules of their own.
The important thing is that this will spark a dialogue between you and your vet will allow both to better care for your cat.
Here are some topics to create your applications around ...
vaccination options: options exist for the type and schedule, and there are risks, so be sure to find out what your vet recommends for your cat.
Food and nutrition: questions on trademarks cat food because they are not all equal. What about alternatives, like homemade food for cats, raw meat diets, food and leftovers?
Common mistakes cat owner, ask your veterinarian to avoid common mistakes.
Emergency procedures: find out what your monitor is emergency procedures now, if you need it later.
Inside or outside: it is a great argument strongly influences your life and the life of your cat.
litter and litter boxes: many choices can be reduced only to a few, ask your veterinarian.
common diseases and signs, to understand what are the signs of the disease are common to help you identify problems early in your cat, and can save your life one day.
Use the list above to begin. As you write your questions, others will come to you. Write, even if the answers seem obvious. There is no question too small to ask your veterinarian about the health of your cat.